Perfect, Seth. This is great.

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Aug 9Liked by Seth Cotlar

I love it. But I think you're missing one part - a great deal of the reasons they get into other people's business is because they have the sacred permission of their God to do so. No reason can ever get in they way of the righteous. Not when your soul is on the line. Until that fundamental (←see what I did there?) fact is altered, this tension will exist here and everywhere else in the world it exists.

You can argue that it's not a religious problem, but in my opinion and my observation that would be ignoring great swaths of evidence.

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Aug 9Liked by Seth Cotlar

I also love the reframing of government assistance as “neighborliness” instead of communism. As someone who travelled in the Soviet Union in the 1980’s, these folks wouldn’t know communism if it came up and introduced itself.

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Aug 10Liked by Seth Cotlar

I would have voted for Harris with any of the likely VP candidates, but Walz won me with “Mind your own damn business!” It tickles my independent Oregon soul.

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