What, to the Fascist hordes, is the 4th of July?

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There is no Marxist deep state. It exists only as a propaganda technique. All those poor rich Republican victims…… so abused by the concept of WOKE that they want to create a Christofascist theocratic Christian nationalist government. OH YES, because we know a dictatorship by the radical religious far right cares so little about our citizens. Nothing quite like those authoritarian Calvinist religious cults work out so well.

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Jul 5Liked by Seth Cotlar

Well, when you put it like that, I welcome the Marxist Deep State. They sound like some cool dudes!

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This is a plot to overthrow the United States government. Arrest them all and charge treason starting with Kevin Roberts. If convicted in a court of law the sentence should be death by lethal injection, or hanging or electrocution or drowning or firing squad or bonfire or … it’s all good.

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These people are sociopaths

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Stuff it Kevin.

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