Jun 29Liked by Seth Cotlar

Thank you for this--I think. It's about ruined my day, and I'm not even out of bed yet. But I'd been baffled by the Alitos and this explains a lot. I had a couple of "aha" moments reading it and it also helped clarify for me what has happened to my father.

You are a man on a mission since you discovered Huss and I am grateful to you for it. I have been saying that this was a long game the right has been playing and that the rest of us might as well have been dead asleep for all we saw of it. Your posts expose these things to the light and being a lamp in the dark is in my opinion a historian's (or a journalist's or other writer's) highest calling.

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It’s quite obvious too!

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Jun 29Liked by Seth Cotlar

“It is, of course, ludicrous to think that being asked to use someone’s preferred pronouns, or to refrain from referring to your Black colleagues with the n-word, or to treat non-Christians with the same respect you’d treat anyone else, or to treat today’s immigrants with the same degree of respect you would have liked your own immigrant ancestors to be treated with, is somehow an immediate precursor to being put in a Satanic, Stalinist gulag.”

Well said. And yet, here we are.

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"In hindsight, the only thing I would change is the word 'we' to 'I' in the third tweet." This. Yeah. 2016 and then J6 hit me hard (I'm now 54). A real moral injury, I'd argue. And THEN came the realization that it hurt because my whole "faith" in democracy and American potential/progress was based on a truckload of white male privilege that allowed me to believe, despite all I already knew and had unpacked, that, at base, we were better than this. You start thinking you're soooo savvy, and then the world humbles the hell out of you....

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