The VIRGINIAN was also an outlet for Roger Pearson's Northern League which took its racial views from Nazi Hans F.K. Guenther.

I have a lot of letters between William Stephenson, editor of THE VIRGINIAN, and Gerald L.K. Smith. Here's a sample of Stephenson to Smith, 12 June 1958:

"We will be very happy to run a full page ad for your announcing hte publication of "The International Jew." The cost for this will be a token charge of $1.00. We are glad to do what we can to promote the sale of such an important book. We appreciate your encouragement of our efforts here, and are, of course, very glad that the VIRGINIAN meets with your approval."

The VIRGINIAN came to an end when it, and the equally antisemitic GEORGIA TRIBUNE turned their mailing lists over to the National States Rights Party and subscribers began receiving the NSRP's publication THE THUNDERBOLT. The most notorious member of the NSRP was J.B. Stoner, who was convicted of the 1958 bombing of the Bethel Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama in 1980.

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This is super helpful, thanks John! In terms of Huss and this ecosystem you're describing, I'm starting to see the NSRP as an important throughline for him from the Goldwater era into the late 1970s.

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